With Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche & monks from the Chokling Monastery

Dates: from 27 September to 6 October

Open to Buddhist students who fulfil the necessary Vajrayana requirements (see below)

Lama Norlha (Guru Rinpoche of Wealth) is a profound practice from the Chokling terma tradition, related to the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel cycle. The practice is not merely concerned with generating material wealth and positive circumstances in our life, but with ‘richness’ in its broadest sense—on outer, inner and secret levels. Ultimately, its focus is the wealth of the awakened mind (bodhichitta), our very own rigpa.

A drupchen (literally ‘vast accomplishment’) is a form of elaborate and intensive Vajrayana group practice performed over nine days, with continuous recitation of mantra during the day and night. This practice epitomises the depth, power, and precision of the Vajrayana, drawing together the entire range of its skilful methods—mystical, ritual and artistic. It is said that several days participating in a drupchen can yield the same results as years of solitary retreat.

To participate in such practices, guided by such accomplished practitioners as Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche and the Chokling monks, is indeed a rare and special opportunity not to be missed!

Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche is considered as one of the main authorities on elaborate Vajrayana rituals within the Nyingma tradition. He has a long and close connection with Rigpa, regularly giving teachings, transmissions, leading drupchös and drupchens, and presiding over many sacred constructions in Rigpa centres since 1996. He will be accompanied by 29 lamas and monks from Chokling Monastery.


General considerations before joining a Vajrayana event

This drupchen is a Vajrayana event and as such an empowerment is required (see details below) and there are some general Vajrayana requirements:

  • You are a member of the Rigpa Ngöndro Mandala or Dzogchen Mandala (this criteria does not apply if you are the member of another sangha). If you feel you should be part of the Ngöndro Mandala but are not yet, please contact your local instructor to have an interview. 
  • You have already formally entered the Mahayana Buddhist path by having taken Refuge and the Bodhisattva vows;
  • You have a solid foundation and experience of the principles and practices of the Mahayana;
  • You have received teachings on all the ngöndro practices, including guru yoga;
  • You have established the practice of ngöndro and have started your ngöndro accumulations.
  • You understand the samaya vows of the Vajrayana.
  • It would be best if you would have already received some general instructions on how to practise sadhana, including at least a basic understanding of the view, meditation and conduct of the Vajrayana and its main key principles before joining the event.


More specifically in terms of the specific empowerment needed to join this drupchen:

  • If you have received an empowerment of Tukdrup Barché Kunsel, this qualifies you to recite the practices, since Kyechok Tsulzang, the main deity upon which the Lama Norlha practice is based, is one of the twelve emanations of Guru Rinpoche associated with the terma. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche conferred this empowerment to the Rigpa Sangha in Dharma Mati Berlin in 2012.
  • Notwithstanding this, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche has kindly agreed to confer the appropriate transmission of Lama Norlha to aspiring participants at the beginning of the drupchen, so as many of our sangha as possible can participate (whether or not you have received the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel empowerment).


    If you're having trouble finding accommodation, the local sangha has set up a whatsapp chat to help you; click here to get in contact with them. Lerab Ling presents this link to you but accepts no responsibility for any exchanges or agreements that may take place via this chat.

    Register Buttons 2019 Orange
    Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest


    START Friday 27 September – 8pm
    END Sunday 6 October – 6pm

    Friday 27 September: 2pm to 7pm
    For arrivals after 7pm on Friday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    CONTRIBUTION to the event - €324
    (Does not include accommodation and meals)

    Teachings: Tibetan
    Translation: English, French, German

    Friday 27 September
    Bus from Montpellier to Lerab Ling - Travel time 2h (30€)
    Departure from Montpellier airport at 3.15pm
    Depart from Montpellier Sud de France train station at 3.45pm
    Departure from Montpellier St Roch train station at 4.15pm
    Monday 7 October
    Bus from Lerab Ling to Montpellier - Travel time 2h (30€)
    Departure from Welcome Center at 8.30am
    (Méditerranée airport, Sud de France train station and Saint Roch train station)



One important element of a drupchen is accomplishing the different activities together, as a drupchen text says, 'from the vajra king to the vajra sweeper'. It creates a very joyful atmosphere if everybody contributes in small ways, such as by preparing the offerings or tormas, serving tea and food, cleaning the practice space, or the dishes, opening shrines, or lighting the sang fire, and so on. Everybody who is contributing to make this drupchen happen, in whichever way that may be, is part of the mandala and will share in the same merit and blessings.

As this is a wealth practice, making abundant offerings will enhance the practice and generate good results. All participants are invited to contribute as generously as possible to the material offerings for these practices such as lights, incense, flowers, tsok, tormas and other substances that are made on a daily basis.

By making a donation, we establish an unbreakable karmic bond to the practices and therefore share in their tremendous benefit and merit.

If you attend this practice, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche encourages us to also bring material offerings ourselves. Maybe a great gesture to him would be when we bring our country's most popular food and drinks like vegemite from Australia, whiskey from Ireland, drop from Holland, cheese from France, fortune cookies from China, chocolate from Switzerland, wine from Italy, etc.


If you are relatively new to Vajrayana, we recommend you study this Guide Page on Prajna: Vajrayana Buddhism in the Modern World: Is Vajrayana for Me?

We also recommend you to:

  • Read Poison is Medicine and Guru Drinks Bourbon? by one of Rigpa’s Spiritual Advisors Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse;
  • Speak to a Teacher or Practice Holder at your local centre to clarify any questions.

We are also aiming to organise a session with Rigpa Senior Teachers to present this event to you, and answer your questions about this event mid-September.


More information can be found on the Rigpa Shedra Wiki


    Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.

    More info about Lerab Ling financial support for attending our retreats/events.


    You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here

    Otherwise, there's also accommodations in surrounding villages


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Lerab Ling, L'Engayresque, 34650 Roqueredonde, France
Telephone: +33 (0)4 67 88 46 00
GPS: 43.800248,3.237998

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Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque
34650 Roqueredonde, France

Email – lerab.ling@rigpa.org
Telephone  +33 (0) 467 88 46 00

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