Environmental policy
The Lerab Ling Community is committed to protecting our environment and responding to climate change.
Environmental and Sustainable Decision Making – We are reducing our 'carbon footprint' through community living, with a centralized kitchen, laundry, heating system, common areas and compact living spaces, and by regularly reviewing our energy use. The carbon offset for retreatants who travel to and from Lerab Ling is also being explored.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Lerab Ling has invested in a centralized Wood Heating System for all buildings on the site, fuelled by local renewable resources. We are promoting energy-saving and adopting low energy devices, such as appliances and lightbulbs, providing public transport during large events, and are researching and testing other renewable energy systems for the site.
Environmentally Friendly Design, Products, and Material – We use local or certified wood, eco-label cleaning products, organic compost in the gardens. We also employ eco-friendly materials and green design and technology in all our buildings. All forms of future development in Lerab Ling will meet the highest environmental building standards.
Sustainable Food Production – Lerab Ling is maximising its purchase of bulk, locally produced, and organic foods. We provide a predominantly vegetarian diet, as meat production has a number of adverse effects on the environment. Since 2010 we have organic food gardens, including a trial area and a forest garden.
Protecting Lerab Ling’s Environment – We are introducing water saving measures, and installing test 'dry' toilets. The amount of laundry detergent we use has been reduced by one-third and we do not use any fabric softener. Lerab Ling is also developing a Water Strategy, including water saving and recuperation measures, and implementing a landscaping and tree planting plan. We have minimized the use of cars and have banned smoking on site. We also actively engage in the management of our forest and in the process of developing this further in the near future.
Responsible Waste Management – Lerab Ling has implemented a comprehensive recycling system; we have a composting system for food waste and have a personal mug scheme, eliminating plastic cups and minimizing the use of disposable utensils. We also plan to develop use of our sewerage waste as fertilizer.
In 2019, Lerab Ling became the 500th bird reserve of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) in Hérault.