Title: Administrative Assistant
Entity: La Source SARL
Status: Fixed-term contract evolving towards a permanent contract /FULL-TIME with the possibility of part-time work depending on the candidate's availability.
Location: Lerab Ling, Roqueredonde, 34650
Person in charge: Administrative manager
Starting: As soon as possible
Lerab Ling is a Buddhist retreat center located in the south of France, in Roqueredonde (Hérault). Lerab Ling was recognized as a religious congregation by decree of the French Minister of the Interior in 2002. Some sixty people, the majoritý members of the Rigpa Lérab Ling Buddhist congregation, permanently reside there. The center offers a varied program of Buddhist teachings and meditation and practice retreats throughout the year.
La Source is a limited liability company responsible for commercial activities at Lerab Ling. It looks after catering, accommodation and transport services, as well as the Zam online store, and the Windhorse store and café́.
Rigpa Europe is an “association loi 1901” which owns the land and buildings. Rigpa Europe is responsible for maintaining the buildings, the temple and its sacred decorations, as well as temple tours for the public.
Reporting to the Administrative Manager, the Assistant is responsible for the general administration of the 3 above-mentioned entities, the management of human resources and salaries, and the social support of employees, religious members and volunteers within the congregation.
- Management of payroll, salaried contracts, personnel and consultant administration
- Administration for religious members of the congregation and residents
- Assistance with immigration procedures for residents and visitors
- Secretary for legal and other tasks
- Archiving of administrative documents for the 3 entities
- Comfortable with computer tools (pack office)
- Comfortable with administrative management
- French essential and English desirable
- Organized and rigorous
- Discretion and respect for confidentiality
- Service spirit
- Team player
- Versatility and adaptability
To apply, please send a cover letter and a copy of your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.