To care for the elderly ordained and lay practitioners–who uphold our main spiritual practices and traditions—is one of our main responsibilities. Their health, well-being and support are vital for the life and activities of Lerab Ling.
We wish to show how, as a community, we can continue to embrace and support the elderly members of our practising sangha, in order that they can fulfil their spiritual path in the most meaningful way possible.
While much of this care and support is offered readily by those who live in Lerab Ling and locally, our expenses are growing and we are in need of more financial help. We are therefore asking your support for our vision of caring for senior members of our community of practitioners.
Our heartfelt wish is to uphold an example of care and support for our senior practitioners that will inspire other centres and communities to do the same. It is imperative that these practitioners who dedicated their lives to the Dharma path and who chose Lerab Ling as their home, are able to remain here for the rest of their life, supported by the most conducive environment possible. Please help us to realise this!
You can make gifts to Lerab Ling in the following ways:
1. Through secure online donation by Credit Card or PayPal
2. By bank transfer to the Rigpa Centre in your country
3. By international bank transfer – Please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will provide you with our bank information
4. Direct contact – Please contact a member of our staff to discuss sustaining gifts at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Tax-efficient Giving – In most countries Rigpa has full charitable status with tax benefits. If you wish to make a tax-efficient donation in the country you are resident, or wish to talk things over with a member of our team, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leaving Rigpa in your will is one of the most lasting and significant ways that you can support our work.
Thank you for your generosity!