Rigpé Yeshé offers a special programme for parents and families


Rigpé Yeshé offers special sessions for parents, who find it nourishing and supportive to share the struggles and joys of parenting. They reflect on how to bring basic Buddhist values into their family life and how to understand their children more deeply. Often parents go home with a sense of how to integrate mindfulness and meditation into their family life.

I am reminded that the best education for my children is one that helps them become wiser than me. Rigpé Yeshé is doing this in an extraordinary way. I am so grateful. Thank you.  Sarah, mother of two children, Australia.

In the parent sessions we receive advice for parents, we also get support from instructors and other experienced parents. These sessions give us a great opportunity to share sincerely with each other our challenges and also what works well. We see together how to bring universal human values, wisdom and compassion into our family life and how we can integrate the teachings in a very practical way.  Kay, mother of a 12 year old girl, UK.

As parents, we find it incredibly nourishing and supportive to share the struggles and joys of parenting with each other; deriving comfort and inspiration from our common humanity.
We share tips on finding time to meditate when you have children, on meditating along with your children and on how we cope when things fall apart. We also learn from listening to advice from Buddhist masters, we come to understand and love our children more profoundly, learn how to love and care for ourselves, and learn how to let go.  Fiona, Parent of a 21 year old girl and two teenage boys, UK.


In Lerab Ling and a number of countries, family retreats are offered, where parents and children gather for three to five days and take time to practise mindfulness and meditative and creative arts together in a family-friendly environment.

At our Family Events, we slow down, become more mindful and aware of what’s going on, both in us and around us; enabling us to connect more deeply with ourselves, with each other and with nature. We regain our inspiration, enthusiasm, strength and joy.  Fiona, Parent of a 21 year old girl and two teenage boys.


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    All items must be clearly labelled with the child's name.

      • ● Suncream (with high protective factor)
      • ● Sunhats (several, as they get lost easily)
      • ● Sunglasses
      • ● Big water bottles
      • ● Full-length trousers and socks (against ticks)
      • ● Warm jumpers
      • ● Warm socks
      • ● Good walking shoes
      • ● Boots for rain
      • ● Waterproof rain-coat
      • ● Sportswear
      • ● Good backpack

    Please note - make sure that your children do not bring any knives or electronic devices such as iPod, iPad, playstation or mobile phones to the Programme.


    Register to the Rigpé Yeshé newsletter by clicking here.

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Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque
34650 Roqueredonde, France

Email –
Telephone  +33 (0) 467 88 46 00

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Lerab Ling, under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is one of the main centres preserving the authentic study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 1991...

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