Liberation Upon Touch or Upon Wearing
A takdrol is placed on the body of a deceased person and either buried or burned with the body–in order to help alleviate any possible suffering during the bardo. Numerous kinds of takdrols exist but Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche has recommended these particular takdrols for the Rigpa sangha.
Takdrol have been produced on our behalf by Pewar Rinpoche and have been blessed by many masters. The monastic community in Lerab Ling are preparing the takdrol by wrapping them with both cloth and coloured string. These takdrols are very precious and very special.
As they are quite rare and we only have a limited number of them they are reserved for Rigpa students only – one takdrol for each student. The minimum suggested donation is 50 €, and of course you can offer more in recognition of their pricelessness.
You can order a takdrol here. As the takdrols still need to be wrapped it can take several months until you receive it, depending on the number of orders.
If a takdrol is needed for someone who is not a student of Rinpoche takdrol from Dodrupchen's monastery can be purchased at their website for 15$ or 20$ (#201, #202 or #203 are takdrols)