Taking time out to recharge your batteries at your own pace
Meditation breaks are moments for yourself, to take a break and find your inner peace.
Meditation is at the heart of meditation breaks. Open to all, they give you the chance to learn or deepen your understanding of this practice in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. We offer two group sessions a day, guided by experienced instructors, and have a temple room, including a library and media centre, at your disposal.
On a 140-hectare site in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, Lerab Ling’s environment offers us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in unspoilt nature and to enjoy a spiritual place of calm and serenity.
The site inspires rest, discovery and renewal, and is conducive to outdoor meditation and nature walks, with many hiking trails.
Meditation breaks are guided in French only. > go to the French page