Dates: from 5 to 6 April, at Lerab Ling and online
Can we contribute to our own healing with our mind? Can practices such as meditation, compassion and visualisation help to unlock the transformative potential of illness?
During this weekend, we will explore the path of healing through different practices that contribute to the healing of the being, based on Alain's experience of healing from terminal cancer. We'll be offering practical tools and fresh perspectives by tackling the practices of unconditional acceptance and loving-kindness, so as to develop a healthy relationship with oneself: essential aspects of the path to healing.
Discover the power of creativity, mindfulness, and intuition
Dates: from 2 to 3 August
This unique workshop invites you to explore the interplay between creativity and emotional balance, uncovering your natural capacity for wisdom and self-expression. Join renowned artist and teacher David Rycroft for an inspiring retreat where art and mindfulness meet.
Through guided artistic exercises, individual feedback, and group sharing, you’ll:
See the world from fresh perspectives, breaking free from habitual concepts.
Explore emotions and abstract expression through art.
Tap into your intuition and inner wellspring of inspiration.
Cultivate relaxation while maintaining clarity and focus.
8 days in silence, for a profound experience of meditation
Dates :from 12 to 20 April
Awakening our mind: a transformative meditation retreat
Whatever our level of meditation, this retreat offers a rare opportunity to explore the depth of meditation in the serene and sacred atmosphere of Lerab Ling. We will then be able to get in touch with the qualities of peace and clarity in our mind.
By deepening the practice of Calm Abiding (Shamatha), we cultivate stillness, relaxation and concentration. Our natural state and the profound vision of Vipashana then gradually rises up, enabling us to discover who we really are, beyond the noise of everyday life and our usual patterns.
Guided by experienced Rigpa instructors, the retreat will begin with a day of introduction, recalling the key principles of the practice. On the second day, we will move into an immersive practice of sitting and walking meditation.
Silence, introduced on the second day, will be observed until the seventh day of the retreat, creating a space of calm and introspection.
During this time, optional personal interviews with the instructors can provide support, clarity and guidance (in English, French and Spanish).
Each day we will experience seven hours of sitting and walking meditation (we may choose to sit on a cushion or chair). Gentle physical exercises will help to balance the practice and there will be free time to relax and enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of Lerab Ling.
Organised in English and French with Spanish translation, this retreat is open to all. However, as we will quickly enter into silence after little instruction, we recommend this retreat to people who have already received instruction on meditation and have begun to practise it, even if only occasionally.
Please note: Although the proposed practices are intended for everyone, they are contraindicated in certain cases, particularly for people suffering from mental health problems. In case of doubt, a discussion with your doctor or therapist or an exchange with one of the retreat instructors will be needed to validate your participation in this retreat. Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For this event, you can stay for up to 3 extra days. To take your time, contemplate and enjoy the Lerab Ling environment. This option is included in the registration process.
Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest
STARTSaturday 12 April – 10am END Sunday 20 April – 1.30pm
CHECK-IN AND PICK-UP BADGES Friday 11 April: 2pm to 6pm Saturday 12 April: 9am to 9.45am
CONTRIBUTION to the event - € 272 (Does not include accommodation and meals)
LANGUAGES Teachings: English, French Translation: English, French
TRANSPORT Friday 11 April From Lodève to Lerab Ling - Free bus service - Travel time 30mn Departure at 5.30pm from the bus stop in front of Lodève Tourist Office
Alain Beauregard is a physicist by training and a high-tech entrepreneur. He has been studying and practising Buddhism since 1995. Alain has been an instructor in Montreal since 2002 and has been teaching healing internationally since 2011, based on his own healing story. He is a Rigpa senior teacher and teaches primarily on healing and meditation, with a particular interest in applying the millennia-old teachings of Buddhism to modern life.
Frédéric Chastelas has been studying and practising Buddhism since 1997. Since 2009 Frédéric has been teaching meditation as part of events organised by Rigpa and helped to develop a programme of personal retreat in Lerab Ling – offering the opportunity to discover or deepen the practice of meditation to anyone who is interested. He is part of a team of instructors who hold regular courses and weekend events on meditation, compassion and other practices of Tibetan Buddhism.
Yara Vrolijks grown up in a Buddhist family, Yara devoted her time, from an early age, to Buddhist study and practice. She holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from King's College London and spent a number of years on the Milinda programme, supervised by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Yara is becoming a regular in the team of instructors holding public events in Lerab Ling and is professionally trained as a Tipi emotional regulation therapist.
Vinciane Rycroft is an educator interested in ways in which the modern world can benefit from the peace, compassion and wisdom of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings. She initiated several projects, including a programme bringing mindfulness and awareness into schools, and conferences on compassion in society.
Astrid Hubert began her Buddhist journey in 2005 in Australia, where she encountered Rigpa and Sogyal Rinpoche. This transformative experience brought her back to France, where she has played a key role in supporting and organizing events at Lerab Ling. Today, she is part of the team responsible for designing Lerab Ling’s programmes, with a particular focus on the public events. Astrid is passionate about connecting people with the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings and in particular meditation, which have helped her so much in her own life.
Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.
You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here
To all our cycling friends: feel free to comeand visit the temple or its esplanade. You can also simply come and have a coffee or a cool drink on our shady terrace, with a view of the valley in which the temple is located. We are located on the beautiful N.13 loop, on the edge of the Regional Natural Park of the Haut Languedoc.
As the temple is a lively place with many activities, please check our opening days and times on this page before coming.
We have been awarded the "Accueil Vélo" label and offer a personalised welcome to people on two wheels. We have a level parking area for bikes.
parking for bicycles
possibility to recharge your battery
repair kit and pump
Set in a natural environment conducive to inner peace, this programme gives us the opportunity to experience meditation in depth, supported by physical practices in the open air.
What a day looks like:
Meditation in the morning: Each morning, we immerse ourselves in meditation practices and instructions, rooted in authentic Buddhist teachings. We gradually move through the stages from ‘calm-abiding’ (Shamata) to ‘clear-seeingt’ meditation (Vipashyana). This journey allows us to explore the foundations and subtleties of meditation.
Active and balanced afternoons: The afternoons are devoted to outdoor activities, including Qi Gong and hiking. These practices invite us to integrate meditation into movement, cultivating presence and harmony in every gesture.
Meditate, practice and recharge your batteries in the middle of nature
If you feel the need to take a break from your daily life and stresses, it may be time to reconnect with nature and recharge your batteries in a peaceful atmosphere.
In the unique spiritual environment of Lerab Ling, we offer you the opportunity to experience:
You can join us for:
a meditation break (open to all) to learn to meditate or deepen your practice.
a sangha practice retreat (for Rigpa students only) to advance your practice and personal study.
In both cases, you will have the support of experienced instructors to guide you, and have access to a library and video teachings to further your study.
You can learn more about each of these options by clicking on one of the pictures below.
Taking time out to recharge your batteries at your own pace
Meditation breaks are moments for yourself, to take a break and find your inner peace.
Meditation is at the heart of meditation breaks. Open to all, they give you the chance to learn or deepen your understanding of this practice in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. We offer two group sessions a day, guided by experienced instructors, and have a temple room, including a library and media centre, at your disposal.
On a 140-hectare site in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, Lerab Ling’s environment offers us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in unspoilt nature and to enjoy a spiritual place of calm and serenity.
The site inspires rest, discovery and renewal, and is conducive to outdoor meditation and nature walks, with many hiking trails.
You will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of meditation, as it is transmitted at its source in Tibetan Buddhism. It can unleash our natural confidence, compassion and creativity.
This day, open to all, is an introduction to meditation and is held in the magnificent setting of Lerab Ling. The basics and fundamentals of meditation will be presented in a comprehensive and accessible way.
Ce séjour, dans un environnement naturel favorisant la paix intérieure, vous permet de vivre une expérience profonde de la méditation, soutenue par des pratiques corporelles en plein air.
Déroulement du séjour :
Matinées méditatives : Chaque matin, nous plongeons dans les pratiques et les instructions de méditation, prenant leur source dans les enseignements bouddhistes authentiques. Nous abordons progressivement les étapes du « repos-calme » (Shamata) jusqu'à la méditation de la « vue profonde » (Vipashyana). Ce cheminement nous permettra d'explorer les fondements et les subtilités de la méditation et du travail sur les émotions.
Après-midis actifs et équilibrés : L’après-midi est consacré à des activités en plein air, où Qi Gong et randonnée sont proposés au choix.
La pratique du Qi Gong, animée par Marie-Dominique, nous invite à intégrer la méditation dans le mouvement, en cultivant la présence et l'harmonie dans chaque geste.
Les randonnées, animées par Frédéric, se feront dans les alentours de Lérab Ling. Des balades faciles et accessibles à tous certains jours alterneront avec des balades plus sportives d’autres jours.
Aucune expérience préalable n'est nécessaire, les pratiques étant accessibles aux débutants comme aux pratiquants avancés.
Frédéric, Sinsi, et Marie-Dominique nous accompagnent avec bienveillance tout au long de ce séjour pour une expérience immersive et inspirante. Des outils concrets pour intégrer ces pratiques à notre quotidien nous sont proposés pour favoriser un bien-être durable et profond.
Pour cet événement, il est possible de rester jusqu'à 3 jours de plus. Pour prendre votre temps, vous poser, contempler, profiter tranquillement de l'environnement de Lérab Ling. Cette option est dans le processus d'inscription.
Frédéric Chastelas : Diplômé de philosophie à l’université Paul Valérie, Frédéric a étudié et pratiqué le bouddhisme avec de nombreux maîtres depuis 1997. Il a effectué une retraite traditionnelle de trois ans à Lerab Ling où il a vécu ensuite pendant plus de dix ans au sein de la communauté et où il a contribué à développer de nombreux programmes. Il enseigne depuis plus de quinze ans le bouddhisme et la méditation en essayant de les rendre concrets et accessibles. Frédéric est par ailleurs formé à des approches thérapeutiques telles que le travail sur les blessures psychologiques et la régulation émotionnelle Tipi.
Sinsi Ong étudie et pratique le bouddhisme depuis 28 ans en Asie et en Europe auprès de maîtres tibétains. Après une carrière dans la musique, il se consacre à une retraite de trois ans au centre de Lérab Ling, institut de sagesse et de compassion. Ensuite, il fait partie des enseignants du centre depuis 12 ans, et s’intéresse de près à la manière de libérer l’esprit de ses limitations. Il propose des événements et des cours en présentiel et en ligne en France et aux Pays-Bas.
Marie Dominique Chamard, professeur diplômée de Qi Gong a animé les séances de Qi Gong durant les deux dernières retraites de Noël de Lérab Ling. Elle vous présentera des pratiques de Qi Qong dans la simplicité, la douceur et la profondeur, vous permettant de faire l’expérience de la détente, de l’ancrage et de l’apaisement physique, émotionnel et mental. Les séances seront adaptées à tous, quel que soit votre niveau et se dérouleront la plupart du temps en plein air, si les conditions météo le permettent.
09h00 - 12h30 Session d’enseignement et de méditation
12h30 Repas
14h30 -17h30 Qi Gong ou randonnée au choix
Soirée - Méditation et/ou film/documentaire à thème
Les recherches scientifiques ont montré que la méditation peut accroître la sensation de bonheur et de bien-être ainsi que notre concentration. Elle peut également nous permettre de surmonter le stress, la dépression et l’anxiété. À un niveau plus profond, la méditation est un processus qui nous aide à mieux connaître notre esprit.
Le Qi gong permet au corps de se nourrir des énergies de la nature et de rétablir leur bonne circulation dans l’organisme. Il ravive ainsi en douceur toutes nos fonctions vitales. Il aide chacun à entretenir sa santé et sa vitalité mais aussi à trouver un équilibre corporel et psychique et une stabilité émotionnelle. La pratique de la méditation et le Qi Gong se renforcent mutuellement.
La randonnée est un entraînement cardio-vasculaire puissant, d’un grand bienfait pour notre santé mentale, physique et pour notre bien-être en général. Associée à la méditation, elle nous permet de nous relier à nous-mêmes et à la nature, apportant alors un sentiment de paix et de bien-être.
09h00 - 12h30 Session d’enseignement et de méditation
12h30 Repas
14h30 -17h30 Qi Gong ou randonnée au choix
Soirée - Méditation et/ou film/documentaire à thème
J'étudie le bouddhisme depuis de nombreuses années à travers les livres. Les enseignements, la philosophie, je dirais que l'art de vivre que j'ai trouvé à Lerab Ling sont en totale cohérence. Un pur Bonheur pour l'humanité. – Robin
C'est ma fille, qui était déjà venue, qui a voulu que je l'accompagne. Je lui ai dit d'accord mais moi je ne sais pas méditer, je vais fermer les yeux et je vais penser à tout ce qui m'attend au retour. Il y a une telle sérénité sur le site que je me suis sentie bien. Au cours des méditations, j'ai suivi ma respiration et miracle aucune pensée n'est venue la troubler. J'ai adoré le QI GONG, je fais les mouvements chez moi et je médite tous les deux jours. –Elisabeth
Un bel événement combinant de merveilleuses pratiques de méditation et une première expérience du Kum Nye et du Qi Gong qui m'a donné le goût de ces deux disciplines. Elles sont un excellent complément à la méditation ! Tout cela dans le cadre paisible et inspirant du temple de Lérab Ling. Gratitude à tous les organisateurs et animateurs pour un week-end fantastique. –Francesca
Ce lieu est magique, magnifique à peine on y met un pied on se sent déjà très serein... Une bulle d'épanouissement d'oxygène remplie de belles énergies et bienveillance. J'ai eu la grande chance de pouvoir venir pour la deuxième fois.... Et tout ce que je peux dire c'est que désormais je me sens vivante et bien plus libre... Libre d'être moi. Merci !!! –Sophie
Led by experienced instructors, a variety of courses are given at Lerab Ling throughout the year. Whether you're looking to learn meditation for the first time, deepen your meditation practice, learn more about compassion and Buddhism, or better support a loved one going through difficult times, you will find what you need.
During the First Part of The Heart of Meditation Retreat
Dates: from 26 to 30 July
The Rigpé Yeshé Association offers a programme designed to welcome children and teens from 6 - 17 years old whose parents participate in the Meditation retreat this summer. Rigpé Yeshé is inspired by the universal and ethical values of the Buddhist tradition.
The programme includes lots of nature-based games and activities, as well as expressive and creative activities. One session per day is specifically devoted to developing mindfulness and awareness and exploring our inner resources to learn how to manage our emotions, develop self-confidence and connect with others.
The morning session is held in the Lerab Ling temple and then activities and sessions are held on the Rigpe Yeshe site which is an area dedicated for the children and teens and equipped with marabout tents and toilettes.
The Rigpé Yeshé Association is an association under the French public law of 1901, founded in 2005 by parents and educators. For the last 20 years, Rigpé Yeshé has organized programmes for children and teenagers at Lerab Ling. We work with qualified and experienced teams of holders. Because parents are present at the same site as the children during our programmes, Rigpé Yeshé follows the same regulations for welcoming minors, as those for campsites and holiday centers.
As the number of places is limited, we advise you to register your child as soon as possible.
Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest
When making the booking, please leave a note, telling registration your chil(dren)'s name and age, and we will adjust your booking and let you know when you can proceed to payment.
START Saturday 26 July – 10am END Wednesday 30 July – 4.30pm
CHECK-IN AND PICK-UP BADGES Friday 25 July: 2pm to 6pm Saturday 26 July: 9am to 9.450am For arrivals after 6pm on Friday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CONTRIBUTION to the event - €125 per child (-15% from the second child) (Does not include accommodation and meals)
TRANSPORT Friday 25 July - Montpellier to Lerab Ling - Travel time 2h (30€) Depart from Montpellier airport at 3.15pm Depart from Montpellier Sud de France train station at 3.45pm Depart from Montpellier Saint Roch train station at 4.15pm
9am Parents drop off their children at the programme 9.15am Physical exercise or outdoor games 10am - 11am Session in the temple 11.15am - 12.15pm Free time 12.30pm - 2.30pm Lunch time (children have lunch with their parents) 2.45pm - 4.45pm Group activities 4.45pm - 5.15pm Snack and sharing time 5.15pm - 5.45pm Free time 6pm Parents pick-up their children
First, make sure that you yourself are registered for the Heart of Meditation retreat
Then click on the button above to register your child.
On the first page of the registration form, if you are registering more than one child, click on the "+" at the top left to add a participant.
On the first page of the registration form, the system asks for an e-mail per child. Enter any e-mail (yours or a false e-mail). No information will be sent to this email. If you are registering two children, you will need to enter two different emails.
On the "Payment" page, enter your own e-mail address to receive confirmation of your registration and other information.
Please note! In the "Comment" box on the "Payment" page, indicate which event you (the parent) are registered for, so that your child(ren) are put in the same accommodation as you. In addition, if one of your children is under 5 years of age and is accompanying you but is not registered for Rigpé Yeshé, please indicate this in the comment box so that they can be added to your accommodation.
If you register two children at Rigpé Yeshé, indicate the discount code RY2KIDS in the "Coupon" box and you will benefit from a reduction of 15% on the events fees for your two children.
Important: Please do not pay for your booking straight away. Discounts may apply for accommodation and meals depending on the age of your child. For this, please be sure to leave a note in the booking specifying your child's name and age. The registration team will check the applicable rate and then email you a link for payment. You will then have 48 hours to pay to finalise and confirm your booking.
Finally, watch out for the email you will receive to confirm your payment as this email will ask you for several documents that are essential for any organisation welcoming children (medical liaison form, authorisation...)
For any questions, please contact the Rigpe Yeshe team at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.
You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here
The serenity getaway weekend at Lerab Ling is a rejuvenating break, with no constraints, in a unique spiritual environment. You'll be immersed in unspoilt nature, surrounded by forests, meadows and hills. Naomi, your hostess, will tell you the amazing story of Lerab Ling, show you around the temple - one of the most beautiful in Europe, an authentic masterpiece of Tibetan sacred art - guide you in meditation and take you for walks in the surrounding area.
Lerab Ling is one of Europe's leading centres for the study and practice of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lerab Ling is a living monastery, home to a community of monastic and lay members. The temple is also home to unique Tibetan art, including a 7-metre-high statue of the Buddha.
Lerab Ling is ideally situated in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional Natural Park, close to the Grands Causses Regional Natural Park. Since its creation in 1991, the Lerab Ling community has been taking care of the flora and fauna, making Lerab Ling a unique place where nature is preserved over 140 hectares.
On the evening of your arrival, you will share a meal with Naomi. Other meals are taken in the dining room, which is shared with the community. The cuisine is simple, mainly vegetarian, with a vegan and gluten-free option. Whenever possible, produce is sourced from Lerab Ling's own vegetable garden or from local producers. Most are organic and in season.
As far as accommodation is concerned, we offer two types of accommodation close to the temple. The choice is yours. Bed linen and towels are provided.
The studios, with their spacious rooms and views of the temple, lake and valley, include a private bathroom, and a kitchenette.
The forest roomsare located in three small 3-storey wooden towers. The rooms are comfortable, and a bathroom may be shared with another room.
Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES Arrival on the 1st day, between 2 pm and 7 pm (check-in and pick-up badges and keys) Departure at your convenience the afternoon of the last day
CONTRIBUTION all inclusive (excluding tourist tax)
For one person Forest room: €204 Studio: €270
For 2 people Forest room: €290 Studio: €370
For 3 or 4 people, contributions depend on the accommodation chosen.
LANGUAGES French, English, German
Naomi will be your hostess throughout the weekend and will be happy to make your stay at Lerab Ling as enjoyable as possible. She will adapt to your needs and answer any questions you may have.
Naomi is a writer, long-time meditator and Rigpa teacher. She trained extensively with Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the spiritual classic 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying'. Naomi grew up in Innsbruck, Austria. She studied physics and mathematics and obtained her doctorate from Northeastern University in Boston, USA. In 1997, she moved to Lerab Ling and has been working ever since, translating and relaying ancient Buddhist wisdom to the Western world. She is passionate about transmitting the teachings on incorporating the activities of daily life onto one's own spiritual path, called 'Practical Wisdom’.
14:00 - 19:00 - Arrival, pick-up of keys, settling into your accommodation
20:00 - Dinner with your hostess, in a small group
07:30 - 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 - 11:30 Visiting the temple and learning about meditation
11:30 - 13:00 Lunch
Afternoon at leisure
From 17:30 - Dinner
07:30 - 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 - 11:30 Walk in the forest, accompanied by your hostess
11:30 - 13:00 - Lunch
Afternoon at leisure
Departure at your convenience
Simplifying in order to be happy. Enjoying the little things that life offers every day. Transforming our mind. Simply being. These aren’t clichés; for some people, they are a way of life!
Everything in our life seems complicated. Through the teachings of the Buddha and putting them into practice, we can come to a simpler way to live, relax, be happy with ourselves and cultivate goodness. All with a lot of humour, authenticity and acceptance.
Dates: from 26 July to 3 August Short option: from 26 to 30 July
This year’s retreat will emphasize how to practice meditation in everyday life and how to work skilfully with our emotions.
Whether we are new to meditation and Buddhist wisdom or an experienced practitioner, this nine-day retreat is the ideal opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and others, through the practice of meditation.
In the profound approach of the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, meditation is taught with the view that we are all fundamentally perfect. We have a vast potential of wisdom and compassion as our nature, which lies unrecognized within the turbulence of thoughts and emotions. In the peace and stillness of meditation, the thick clouds of the busy mind dissolve and reveal the open sky of our true being. We find clarity, inner strength and connection to others. Meditation allows us to be fully present in whatever we are doing and connects us to who we really are.
Meditation is discovering a way of ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. The instructions are simple. But the real journey is coming to know our mind and its habits, learning to work skilfully and kindly with emotions and gradually overcoming the distractions of everyday life. Meditation can transform us fully, if we learn how to practice it anytime, anywhere.
Led by experienced Rigpa meditation teachers, in this retreat you will be introduced to the essence of meditation and guided through different aspects and stages of the practice. This will include:
exploring ways to relate to the inner world of thoughts & emotions
becoming more familiar with how mind works and exploring its essence,
learning the elements of a meditation session,
deepening the connection between meditation and the physical body, and
looking into the ways to integrate meditation into everyday life.
With guided group practices and contemplations, time for questions, physical exercises, opportunities for one-to-one guidance; and time to share our experiences with each other, this retreat is a wonderful chance to explore the richness of mind and heart together, in the beautiful and inspiring natural environment of Lerab Ling. The schedule will include plenty of personal time to go for walks in nature, enjoy silent periods, and simply to relax and take a break.
It is highly recommended to follow the full retreat to get a deeper experience and a good grounding in meditation in action. However for those who cannot attend the retreat fully, there is a short option of 5 days (from 26 to 30 July). The period from 31 July to 3 August will be dedicated to longer meditation sessions, with more silence throughout the day.
Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest
START Saturday 26 July – 10am END Sunday 3 August – 1.30pm END Short option: Wednesday 30 July – 4.30pm
CHECK-IN AND PICK-UP BADGES Friday 25 July: 2pm to 6pm Saturday 26 July: 9am to 9.45am For arrivals after 6pm on Friday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CONTRIBUTION to the event - €404 Short option - €264 (Does not include accommodation and meals)
LANGUAGES Teachings: English & French Translation: Spanish, German
TRANSPORT Friday 25 July - Montpellier to Lerab Ling - Travel time 2h (30€) Depart from Montpellier airport at 3.15pm Depart from Montpellier Sud de France train station at 3.45pm Depart from Montpellier Saint Roch train station at 4.15pm
Monday 4 August - Lerab Ling to Montpellier Depart from the Welcome Centre at 8.30 to Montpellier Méditerranée airport, Montpellier Sud de France train station and Montpellier Saint Roch train station
During the first part of The Heart of Meditation Retreat (26 to 30 July)the Rigpé Yeshé Association will offer a programme designed to welcome children and teens from 6-17 years old whose parents participate in the retreat. Rigpé Yeshé is inspired by the universal and ethical values of the Buddhist tradition. For more details, please visit this page.
Ian Ives (senior teacher) has been studying and practicing the Buddha’s teachings in Asia, Europe and America since he was a teenager. He spent over twenty years following the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche and served as his teaching assistant for seven years. He lives in France, near Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s largest international retreat center and helps design and guide Rigpa’s international study and practice programme.
María García Quesada (senior teacher) has been a student of the Dharma for more than 20 years. She turned to meditation at the age of 18 to better understand her emotions and fear of death, and has made practice a priority in her life ever since. She later followed Rigpa’s seven-year Home Retreat Intensive Programme of study and practice, under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche. The Buddhist teachings have brought so much meaning to María’s life, her deep wish is to share the Dharma with others, so they may also benefit. She is characterized by her joy and enthusiasm in presenting the teachings on meditation and compassion.
Odile de Simone (teacher) is a student of and an instructor trained by Sogyal Rinpoche since 1983. During this time she had the privilege to meet and receive teachings from many teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Since 1997 she held courses and events on meditation and on compassion. Odile has also been a guide for the visitors of the Lerab Ling Tibetan Buddhist centre.
Miguel Oramas (teacher) is a Rigpa meditation teacher and Gestalt therapist based in Spain. After completing the degree in molecular biology and working as a researcher in the field, in the year 2000 he discovered the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings. For the last twenty years he has been presenting the practices of meditation and compassion to public audiences and is now participating collaboratively in several international Rigpa projects.
Frédéric Chastelas (teacher) Graduated in philosophy at Paul Valérie University, Frédéric has studied and practiced Buddhism with numerous masters since 1997. He completed a traditional three-year retreat in Lerab Ling where he then lived for ten years within the community and where he contributed in developing numerous programs. He has been teaching Buddhism and meditation for over fifteen years, trying to make them as concrete and accessible as possible.
Astrid Hubert (instructor) began her Buddhist journey in 2005 in Australia, where she encountered Rigpa and Sogyal Rinpoche. This transformative experience brought her back to France, where she has played a key role in supporting and organizing events at Lerab Ling. Today, she is part of the team responsible for designing Lerab Ling’s programmes, with a particular focus on the public events. Astrid is passionate about connecting people with the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings and in particular meditation, which have helped her so much in her own life. .
07.00 - 07.45 meditation session (optional) 07.45 - 09.00 breakfast 09.00 - 12.00 1st main session (with a short break) 12.00 - 12.30 physical exercise 12.30 - 15.00 lunch break 15.00 - 18.00 2nd main session (with a short break) 18.00 - 19.30 dinner break 19.30 - 20.15 evening meditation session
Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.
You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here
Dancing with our inner Demons & The Heart of Meditation
Dates Main retreat: from 21 to 30 July (Arrival 20 July) Short option ─ "Shyönnu Retreat": from 21 to 25 July (Arrival 20 July) Extension with "The Heart of Meditation": from 31 July to 3 August
In the landscape of our minds, three fundamental forces shape our experience: ignorance, attachment, and aversion. Known in the Buddhist tradition as the three poisons, these emotional patterns (our inner demons!) powerfully influence how we relate to ourselves and others. Understanding them more deeply can open new possibilities in how we navigate our daily lives, and dance with them.
Join us for an immersive ten-day retreat in two parts, where we'll explore each poison through meditation, creative expression, and contemplative inquiry.
FIRST PART (July 21-25): Dancing with our inner Demons - (Short option: “Shyönnu Retreat”)
In this first five-day segment of the Youth Summer Retreat, we’ll dive into the exploration of the three poisons, offering practical tools and insights for working with these challenging aspects of our experience.
Morning sessions will be led by Verena Pfeiffer, who will guide us in understanding how these poisons arise and how to work with them skillfully.
In the afternoon workshops, you can choose between two journeys of engagement:
Contemplative Investigations: Debate-style discussions, group exercises, and practical workshops to deepen our understanding.
Creative Expression: Movement, arts, and other expressive modalities to explore and transform our inner demons.
You’ll discover practical approaches for:
Recognizing the core nature of these emotions
Working with them as they arise
Applying concrete strategies for dealing with challenging emotional states
Integrating them into our journey
Adapting simple, effective tools for our daily life
Whether we are new to Buddhist practice or a seasoned practitioner, this first part offers a fresh perspective on working with emotions. The intimate setting of Lerab Ling provides the perfect container for this journey of discovery.
SECOND PART (July 26–30): The Heart of Meditation
After the Shyönnu Retreat, our exploration continues by joining the International summer retreat, where many more practitioners come together. Led by experienced Rigpa teachers, this immersive program goes beyond introductory practices, guiding us to:
Master the art of “being” rather than "doing"
Work skillfully with thoughts and emotions using down-to-earth tools applicable anywhere, anytime
Delve into meditation’s deeper dimensions through longer sessions and supportive periods of silence
Nurture clarity, confidence, and genuine connection with yourself and others
For those craving a deeper dive into meditation after the Youth Summer Retreat, an optional extension of The Heart of Meditation retreat is offered, continuing through August 3.
Combining the 3 parts creates a 13-day journey through the core of Buddhist wisdom and practice—an ideal way to delve more deeply into everything we’ve discovered about embracing and transforming our inner world.
Space may be limited - so early registration is suggested.
Full Retreat: July 21–30 (Arrival on July 20)
Short Option ("Shyönnu Retreat"): July 21–25 (Part One only)
With optional Extension ("The Heart of Meditation"): July 31–August 3
Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest
START (all options) Sunday 20 July – 8pm ENDWednesday 30 July – 4.30pm Short option end: Friday 25 July – 1.30pm Extension end: Sunday 3 August – 9am
CHECK-IN AND PICK-UP BADGES Sunday 20 July: 4pm to 6pm For arrivals after 6pm on Sunday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CONTRIBUTION to the event Full option – €150 Short option (from 20 to 25 July) – €75 Extension (from 20 July to 3 August) – €175.5 (Does not include accommodation and meals)
LANGUAGES Teachings: English Translation: French
TRANSPORT Sunday 20 July - Shuttle from Lodève to Lerab Ling at 5.30pm
The 1st part, Dancing with our demons, will be held by senior instructor Verena Pfeiffer in the morning, and the Shyonnüs in the afternoon.
Verena Pfeiffer is from Germany and has been a student of Sogyal Rinpoche since 2005. She attended the Three Year Retreat and has been studying at Rigpa Shedra East in Pharping, Nepal under the guidance of Khenchen Namdrol since 2007. Verena helped support Sogyal Rinpoche’s teaching events as an instructor and German translator, and regularly helps to lead teaching retreats in Rigpa. She has recently begun teaching at the Rigpa Shedra, using Khenpo Kunpal’s commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara. Verena lives in the Netherlands with her partner and their much-adored dog.
Rigpé Shyönnu is a community of young(-ish) people (between 18-35 years old) who share an interest in Buddhist thought and practice and get together a few times a year to explore our minds. Most of us have a connection to the Rigpa Sangha and we welcome people from all backgrounds. You can read more about Rigpé Shyönnu here.
The second part,The Heart of Meditation, and the extension - will be guided by the two Rigpa Senior Teachers Ian Ives and María García Quesada and a team of other great teachers and instructors.
July 21–25: "Dancing with Demons" / Shyönnu Retreat Each Day 7:30–8:30 am – Breakfast 9:00–12:30 pm - Session (with short break) 12:30–3:30 pm – Lunch & Personal Break 3:30–6:45 pm - Session (with short break) 6:45–8:00 pm – Dinner (No official program after 8:00 pm during these days.)
July 26–August 3rd: "The Heart of Meditation" & extension Starting the morning of July 26, we transition into the meditation retreat, joining the international summer retreat.
Each Day (apart from the 1st and last day) 7:30–8:30 am – Breakfast 9:00–12:30 pm - Session (with short break) 12:30–3:30 pm – Lunch & Personal Break 3:30–6:45 pm - Session (with short break) 6:45–8:00 pm – Dinner (No program after 8:00 pm during these days)
Note: This schedule is subject to change as details are finalized, but should give a clear picture of the overall flow of each day.
Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.
You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here
Exploding concepts and connecting with your creativity
Dates: from 26 to 27 April
For this weekend, we're leaving our habits at home to take a different, creative look at ourselves and the world around us. No preconceived ideas or limiting concepts. Do we want to be authentic? Satisfied and full of meaning? Although external circumstances may contribute to this, it is ultimately our state of mind that will make our lives full or empty, interesting or banal, beneficial or harmful. A creative mind is free of judgement and fear, and radiant in its natural expression.
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Lerab Ling, under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is one of the main centres preserving the authentic study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 1991...