With Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche in Lerab Ling & live online

Dates: from 24 May to 1 June. Onsite and live online.

Rigdzin Düpa is a sadhana that focuses on the root of all blessings: Guru Rinpoche. It is one of the most important and profound practices of the Longchen Nyingtik tradition that we follow in Rigpa and has the power to awaken, in our experience, the view of the natural state of Dzogpachenpo—the nature of mind. It is also considered to be a profound long-life practice.

During this event Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche will grant detailed teachings on Rigdzin Düpa focusing on the commentary by Khangsar Tenpé Wangchuk (aka Tulku Tenpo) ‘The Light of the Sun and the Moon—Generation and Perfection Stages, Notes Explaining the Words of the Rigdzin Düpa, the Inner Sadhana of the Longchen Nyingtik’.

This text, which Sogyal Rinpoche found so inspiring and taught only partially during the three-year retreat in Lerab Ling, clearly shows the way to practise each section of the sadhana from the Dzogchen perspective.

The teachings will be complemented by sessions led by Rigpa Teachers and Practice Holders dedicated to practising the sadhana, taking the time to go through it step by step, learning all the aspects of this practice together, and answering questions.

Khenpo Sönam Tsewang, Khen Rinpoche’s translator and teaching assistant, has also agreed to offer several review sessions.


This retreat, with all its aspects, will be a complete training in how to practise Rigdzin Düpa for anyone wishing to discover this practice.

It is also a perfect preparation for anyone wishing to focus more intently on this practice—for example, to participate in a drupchö or nyenpa retreat in Lerab Ling or Dzogchen Beara, or at home. In Rigpa, where we follow mainly the Longchen Nyingtik tradition, Rigdzin Düpa is the first sadhana we “accumulate” after having completed a first set of ngöndro accumulations.

Since Rigdzin Düpa is the designated lama sadhana of the Rigpa sangha, all Vajrayana students are warmly encouraged to participate in this event, especially if they have not received detailed teachings on this practice before.


This event is open to Vajrayana students who have received the empowerment of Rigdzin Düpa.

NOTE: We plan on requesting Khen Rinpoche to grant, closer to the start date, the empowerment of Rigdzin Düpa at the beginning of the retreat, but it’s not sure that he will accept.

If you have all the necessary qualifications to follow these teachings but are just missing the Rigdzin Düpa empowerment, please request it by filling in this form before the 30th of April.

Please check that you fulfil the following requirements.

  • You are a member of the Ngöndro or Dzogchen Mandala (this does not apply if you are the member of another sangha). If you feel you should be part of the Ngöndro Mandala but are not yet, please contact your local instructor to have an interview.
  • You have already formally entered the Mahayana Buddhist path by taking Refuge and Bodhisattva vows.
  • You have a solid foundation and experience of the principles and practices of the Mahayana.
  • You have received teachings on all the ngöndro practices, including Guru Yoga.
  • You have started your ngöndro accumulations and are on track to continue.
  • You have a basic understanding of Vajrayana and some experience in practising sadhanas.
  • You have received the empowerment of Rigdzin Düpa. See the list of occasions this empowerment was given to the Rigpa sangha on the Rigpa wiki.


The best is to join in person to attend the teachings and practices, clarification sessions and ritual aspects. It is also possible to follow the teachings live online on Prajna.


    Register Buttons 2019 Orange
    Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest


    START Saturday 24 May – 10am
    END Sunday 1 June – 1pm

    Friday 23 May: 2pm to 6pm
    Saturday 24 May: 9am to 9.45am
    For arrivals after 6pm on Friday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    CONTRIBUTION to the event - €384
    (Does not include accommodation and meals)

    Teachings: Tibetan
    Translation: English, French



KhenchenPemaSherabKyabjé Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche is the senior-most Khenpo in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, and among the most important lineage holders in the Palyul tradition. Khen Rinpoche is one of the last of a generation of authentic Lamas who hold the pure lineage of the Nyingma tradition, both Kama and Terma. 

Khen Rinpoche has been generously guiding the Rigpa sangha, in particular giving key teachings and transmissions from the Ngagyur Nyingma lineage over the last 15 years. We are incredibly fortunate that Khen Rinpoche supports the Rigpa sangha so closely. More information

KhenpoSonamKhenpo Sonam Tsewang (translator and teacher) is a Khenpo at Ngagyur Nyingma Institute, the advanced centre for Buddhist philosophical study at Namdroling Monastery, Bylakuppe, India. 

Khenpo is known to many Rigpa students as the translator for Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche with whom he travels extensively. Khenpo Sonam is known to have a deep understanding of western practitioners and has a great skill in presenting teachings in a uniquely clear way that connects traditional teachings to a western audience. More information


08.00-08.30 Riwo Sangchö (optional)
09:00-11:00 Teachings by Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche
11:00-14:30 Break
14:30-16:30 Study & practice session with Rigpa Practice Holders or clarifications with Khenpo Sönam Tsewang
17:00-19:00 Daily Tendrel Nyesel Tsok (optional)


For more information on Rigdzin Düpa, please read our Rigpa Study & Practice page.


    Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.

    More info about Lerab Ling financial support for attending our retreats/events.


    You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here

    Otherwise, there's also accommodations in surrounding villages


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Lerab Ling, L'Engayresque, 34650 Roqueredonde, France
Telephone: +33 (0)4 67 88 46 00
GPS: 43.800248,3.237998

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Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque
34650 Roqueredonde, France

Email – lerab.ling@rigpa.org
Telephone  +33 (0) 467 88 46 00

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