Profound Wisdom for Everyday Life

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Dates: from 26 July to 3 August
Short option: from 26 to 30 July

This year’s retreat will emphasize how to practice meditation in everyday life and how to work skilfully with our emotions.

Whether we are new to meditation and Buddhist wisdom or an experienced practitioner, this nine-day retreat is the ideal opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and others, through the practice of meditation.

In the profound approach of the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, meditation is taught with the view that we are all fundamentally perfect. We have a vast potential of wisdom and compassion as our nature, which lies unrecognized within the turbulence of thoughts and emotions. In the peace and stillness of meditation, the thick clouds of the busy mind dissolve and reveal the open sky of our true being. We find clarity, inner strength and connection to others. Meditation allows us to be fully present in whatever we are doing and connects us to who we really are.

Meditation is discovering a way of ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. The instructions are simple. But the real journey is coming to know our mind and its habits, learning to work skilfully and kindly with emotions and gradually overcoming the distractions of everyday life. Meditation can transform us fully, if we learn how to practice it anytime, anywhere.

Led by experienced Rigpa meditation teachers, in this retreat you will be introduced to the essence of meditation and guided through different aspects and stages of the practice. This will include:

  • exploring ways to relate to the inner world of thoughts & emotions
  • becoming more familiar with how mind works and exploring its essence,
  • learning the elements of a meditation session,
  • deepening the connection between meditation and the physical body, and
  • looking into the ways to integrate meditation into everyday life.

With guided group practices and contemplations, time for questions, physical exercises, opportunities for one-to-one guidance; and time to share our experiences with each other, this retreat is a wonderful chance to explore the richness of mind and heart together, in the beautiful and inspiring natural environment of Lerab Ling. The schedule will include plenty of personal time to go for walks in nature, enjoy silent periods, and simply to relax and take a break.


It is highly recommended to follow the full retreat to get a deeper experience and a good grounding in meditation in action. However for those who cannot attend the retreat fully, there is a short option of 5 days (from 26 to 30 July). The period from 31 July to 3 August will be dedicated to longer meditation sessions, with more silence throughout the day.


    Register Buttons 2019 Orange
    Please register 36 hours before the event at the latest


    START Saturday 26 July – 10am
    END Sunday 3 August – 1.30pm
    END Short option: Wednesday 30 July – 4.30pm

    Friday 25 July: 2pm to 6pm
    Saturday 26 July: 9am to 9.45am
    For arrivals after 6pm on Friday, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    CONTRIBUTION to the event - €404
    Short option - €264
    (Does not include accommodation and meals)

    Teachings: English & French
    Translation: Spanish, German

    Friday 25 July - Montpellier to Lerab Ling - Travel time 2h (30€)
    Depart from Montpellier airport at 3.15pm
    Depart from Montpellier Sud de France train station at 3.45pm
    Depart from Montpellier Saint Roch train station at 4.15pm

    Monday 4 August - Lerab Ling to Montpellier
    Depart from the Welcome Centre at 8.30 to Montpellier Méditerranée airport, Montpellier Sud de France train station and Montpellier Saint Roch train station



RY iconDuring the first part of The Heart of Meditation Retreat (26 to 30 July) the Rigpé Yeshé Association will offer a programme designed to welcome children and teens from 6-17 years old whose parents participate in the retreat. Rigpé Yeshé is inspired by the universal and ethical values of the Buddhist tradition. For more details, please visit this page.


Ian Yves IconIan Ives (senior teacher) has been studying and practicing the Buddha’s teachings in Asia, Europe and America since he was a teenager. He spent over twenty years following the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche and served as his teaching assistant for seven years. He lives in France, near Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s largest international retreat center and helps design and guide Rigpa’s international study and practice programme.

Maria garciaMaría García Quesada (senior teacher) has been a student of the Dharma for more than 20 years. She turned to meditation at the age of 18 to better understand her emotions and fear of death, and has made practice a priority in her life ever since. She later followed Rigpa’s seven-year Home Retreat Intensive Programme of study and practice, under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche.
The Buddhist teachings have brought so much meaning to María’s life, her deep wish is to share the Dharma with others, so they may also benefit. She is characterized by her joy and enthusiasm in presenting the teachings on meditation and compassion.

Odile IconOdile de Simone (teacher) is a student of and an instructor trained by Sogyal Rinpoche since 1983. During this time she had the privilege to meet and receive teachings from many teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Since 1997 she held courses and events on meditation and on compassion. Odile has also been a guide for the visitors of the Lerab Ling Tibetan Buddhist centre.

Miguel OramasMiguel Oramas (teacher) is a Rigpa meditation teacher and Gestalt therapist based in Spain. After completing the degree in molecular biology and working as a researcher in the field, in the year 2000 he discovered the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings. For the last twenty years he has been presenting the practices of meditation and compassion to public audiences and is now participating collaboratively in several international Rigpa projects.

Fred IconFrédéric Chastelas (teacher) Graduated in philosophy at Paul Valérie University, Frédéric has studied and practiced Buddhism with numerous masters since 1997. He completed a traditional three-year retreat in Lerab Ling where he then lived for ten years within the community and where he contributed in developing numerous programs. He has been teaching Buddhism and meditation for over fifteen years, trying to make them as concrete and accessible as possible.

Astrid HubertAstrid Hubert (instructor) began her Buddhist journey in 2005 in Australia, where she encountered Rigpa and Sogyal Rinpoche. This transformative experience brought her back to France, where she has played a key role in supporting and organizing events at Lerab Ling. Today, she is part of the team responsible for designing Lerab Ling’s programmes, with a particular focus on the public events. Astrid is passionate about connecting people with the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings and in particular meditation, which have helped her so much in her own life. .


07.00 - 07.45 meditation session (optional)
07.45 - 09.00 breakfast
09.00 - 12.00 1st main session (with a short break)
12.00 - 12.30 physical exercise
12.30 - 15.00 lunch break
15.00 - 18.00 2nd main session (with a short break)
18.00 - 19.30 dinner break
19.30 - 20.15 evening meditation session


    Our commitment is for everyone who wishes to come to Lerab Ling, to have access to our programmes, whatever their financial circumstances. We offer different options for those who are unable to pay the standard contribution.

    More info about Lerab Ling financial support for attending our retreats/events.


    You can book your meals and/or onsite accommodation when registering for the retreat/event. For more information on our accommodation and meals click here

    Otherwise, there's also accommodations in surrounding villages


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Lerab Ling, L'Engayresque, 34650 Roqueredonde, France
Telephone: +33 (0)4 67 88 46 00
GPS: 43.800248,3.237998

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Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque
34650 Roqueredonde, France

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Telephone  +33 (0) 467 88 46 00

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